

Who is this Michael Kors person?
Michael Kors is an American fashion designer and a winner of the prestigious CFDA Lifetime Achievement Award. More importantly, he is the sassy judge on Project Runway, a thinking man's television reality competition where obscure designers vie for stardom throughout a series of challenges.

Does Michael Kors know you're doing this?
Good God, no! If he did, he would either have us swiftly executed or hired as full time snark staff. Neither of these things has happened yet, so he’s probably too busy wearing sunglasses indoors and sighing.

What is a simile?
We shouldn't have to define this for you if you have completed 2nd grade, but whatever:

Noun: a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as
To give an example from Mr. Kors himself, “She looks like a transvestite flamenco dancer going to a funeral!” (but not the part about transvestites).

Who are you people?
Mike is a Biomedical Engineering student at Johns Hopkins University and an aspiring fashion designer who speaks French and just starred as Ché in Evita!. Caity graduated from Johns Hopkins and now works as a research assistant at a public policy research and consulting firm in Washington, DC until she starts graduate school at Harvard in 2012. They met and "fell in love" while singing in their college a cappella group, where they immediately bonded over their hatred of people who misuse words and grammar (and especially their love of Cheez-its).

A cappella, you say?
Why, yes!

Where did you get the idea to do this?
When Caity moved to DC, she was very bored for a few weeks because her boyfriend moved to New York. So, instead of doing something productive, she watched episode upon episode of Project Runway (or, as Mike calls it, Prunway). One day, it struck her that the criticisms of Michael Kors often follow a very structured syntax. Upon sharing this information with Prunway buddy Mike, the two had a glorious epiphany, complete with birds singing and all that crap; thus, this blog was born.