Challenge: Create a garment using supplies from a pet store.
Target: Josh M.'s styling
KORSimile: "She looks like Sea Vixen Barbie."

Hey, I think I actually had Sea Vixen Barbie. It was confusing, though, because "vixen" can mean both "sexually attractive woman" (probably inappropriate for a child's toy, but let's not pull punches-- you'd fuck Barbie if you had a chance, plastic or not) and "a shrewish, ill-tempered woman." (It can also mean "female fox" but that's just opening a can of worms). So, this doll was a smokin' hot lady who bitched all the time. It wasn't the most fun playtime, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Bitch, get off my fins."
The funniest part of this episode, though, was at the end when the judges were arguing over which look was best, and Heidi and Nina were really getting into it-- seriously, the accents were nuts, and words were being pronounced all funny and smoke was coming out of Nina's ears-- and it was a replay of last season's finale when they couldn't agree that Mondo is OBVIOUSLY THE BEST and Gretchen is a horrible wench.
So MK is sitting in the middle of all of this, and he goes "It's getting hot. I'm going through Man-opause."

What clever wordplay. As usual.
Why that man is not yet president is beyond me.
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