
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Season 8, Episode 4 - Design your Heart Out

Challenge: Create a dress for the Campbell's Soup "Address your Heart" campaign for women whose lives have been impacted by heart disease.
Target: This Guy's dress (who the fuck is this guy?)
KORSimile: "It's like you took a list of everything that's tacky and put it in one dress."
 What? I don't see people asking how much money a stranger makes in this dress. I don't see any 'dead baby' jokes in this dress, or people tagging pictures of themselves kissing their significant others on Facebook. This dress is far more subdued than half the people I know would have made it (can you say "boobie cut-outs"? Because that's what I'm thinkin').

Clearly MK has not spent enough time in Ocean City to be really familiar with tacky.

Ooh gurl, you been workin' out??

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