Challenge: Create a fashionable children's look and an accompanying adult piece.
Target: Oh my god I don't remember this guy's name, some other rando gay dude
KORSimile: "She literally looks like she got caught in a tornado of toilet paper... The Conceptual Toilet Paper Twins."
knew this looked familiar! I saw it in theaters in 1988!
Sleepy MK |
MK has clearly been bored to death by whoever the useless guest judge is. Ugh, guest judges. Stop pretending you have things to say! No one cares what you think! The contestants are only
pretending to be cowed by your greatness so that after they get kicked off this ridiculous show they can try to get a job with you at Macy's (which is, inevitably, where 90% of the guest judges are selling cheap-o collections at the time of airing).
So, actually, the guest judge for this was Tory Burch, whom Heidi introduced as being "very popular with grown women
and little girls." Yeah, Tory Burch, the bitch who slaps This Thing:
on a piece of carboard shaped like a shoe and has the audacity to charge a trillion gazillion big ones for it. You show me the little girl that owns a $300 pair of Tory Burch flats, where the only special thing about them is THAT STUPID GIANT PILGRIM-LOOKING BUCKLE THING, and I will show you her socialite mother who has already passed out from her third glass of Pilates Wine and has not noticed that her daughter has peed in the pool once again. That's not "popularity" with little girls. Little girls like pink things and discovering that special feeling you get when you rub up against a table. Tory Burch shit? Not so much.