Challenge: Create a new garment using horrible bridesmaids dresses
KORSimile: "You're trying to make her look like she's at the church bring-a-pot dinner...she's got an avocado goiter!"
In Reference To: Peach's dress

1. "Avocado Goiter" would be a great name for a band.
2. We really loved Peach. First, she's adorable. Second, she's an old white lady named Peach. Peach! Like Princess Peach! Is this what Princess Peach grows up to be? If so, I think that an older Mario would be LUCKY to have this to hit when he's 50 (since the game was developed in 1983, Mario is probably that age or older. So, DAAAAAAAMN)
3. What is with the old-people humor, Michael? It's all about youth in this business. You can't spend all the episodes talking about bunions and lumbagos and expect your audience to realize that all you mean to say is "this is not one of my favorite colors."
4. Have you ever seen a goiter? We just googled "goiters" for the purpose of this post. We'll let you do the same. Go ahead, we'll wait.
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