Challenge: Create a garment for a woman who has recently lost a significant amount of weight out of her favorite fat clothes.
Target: Chris March's Dress
KORSimile: "All she's missing to me is a cigarette and a beret in Paris in 1957, and it's a little Shirley MacLaine when she played a hooker with a heart of gold."

Ok, that was really mean and I know that, but two things:
1. I'm a bitch
2. Jay McCarrol, the winner of Season 1, was also a fatty fat fat and he lost a shit-ton of weight on Celebrity Fit Camp and now looks awesome and I love him, so HINT, CHRIS MARCH.
Anyway, I'm conflicted about this KORSimile. On the one hand, MK is totally right. This outfit could definitely fly in a community theatre production of Sweet Charity.
On the other hand, I think we need to stop conceptualizing hookers as having "hearts of gold." I'm sure there are probably hookers out there who are nice people and all, but at the end of the day, they still have sex with strangers for money. For example, these young ladies here don't seem particularly gilded.

They would like you to try their asian salad, though.
This episode is also where I started to suspect that Heidi is, in fact, a FemmeBot.
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