Challenge: Create an avant garde look inspired by a piece of art made by the designer and an art student from Harlem School for the Arts.
Target: Burt's Jumpsuit
KORSimiles: "It looks like something a Teletubby would wear to a party."

I really liked that MK brought up the Teletubbies. In 8th grade we had to do debates, and we were in groups of three- one girl was pro-issue, one girl was anti-issue, and one gave the background. We were all assigned topics, and my friend Amy and this other girl and I were assigned to debate the merits of Teletubbies. I'm not kidding. I was pro-Teletubby, and I argues that they introduced young children to colors and shapes and the rest of the world was being too harsh on the (admittedly creepy) puppety things (in fact, I listed all the horrible torture that you could do to a Teletubby on a particular website--you could put Tinky Winky in a blender-- and I quoted the Great Jerry Falwell). Amy's argument was that the Teletubbies were totally gay.
That said, I'm not quite sure that Burt's garment would be what a Teletubby would wear to a party. I think the Teletubbies take partying WAY more seriously:
Zanna Roberts: "It looks like you ARE baby number 5!"
Kenneth Cole: "You know what you do with infants, you attach their mittens TO them so they don't lose them."
MK: "[the appliqued shapes] were like sponges. It's like, 'Ooh, I'm cleaning the kitchen--BEEP! Ooh, I'm cleaning the floor--BOOP!" (the "beep" and "boop" were supposed to signify the sponges becoming attached. I know what you're thinking-- when sponges spontaneously become attached to me, they don't go "BOOP!". They go "ZAAAAAANGGGG")
Heidi: "It is a little old farty-farty." (I'm going to go ahead an say that the concept of "old fart" doesn't translate that well into and back from German)
Wow. I mean, yeah, this garment was fucking ridiculous and made her ass look like Kirstie Alley's, but I'm thinking the judges may have been super high.
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